For better or worse, I am a completely self-taught programmer. For years I worked as a high school band teacher in a small school district in Missouri, but in April of 2016 I decided to learn to code…. I’ve written about that journey a bit here. (I really should move that article to my own blog shouldn’t I)
I live in rural Missouri with my wife, four children and a dog.
Hey Cody how did you get hired so fast? I’ve been trying for 3 years and nothing. I habe a degree and 3 Certifications and I feel like giving up.
Cody Loyd
Well…. a lot of it was luck.
More directly though: I put together a strong portfolio and sent out a ton of applications. I went to meetups and met people. Eventually it all clicked.
I can believe I’m browsing the website of the Cody Loyd. What an admirable individual.
you suck
hey just commenting to say your exercise on the odin project remove from array is stupid and out of place in the context of a learning curriculum, it’s entirely too difficult and should be completely removed.
Cody Loyd
Yeah, it’s hard.
That’s the point. Devs need to get used to dealing with things that are hard, that they don’t quite understand how to complete. Things they can figure out with a little googling and trial-and-error.
Hope you figured it out in the end anonymous commenter 😎
Thanks for all you do for TOP, the maintaining and contributing. Your generosity is admirable.
You’re an inspiration to me!
Dee Baulo
Thanks for your suggestions on CSS units. Straightforward article.